International Conference

Advanced Laser Technologies

September 8 - 12, 2006                               Braşov, Romania







What do they say?



Constanta, Romania     11 - 14 September 2001



Ø      “My congratulations with the excellent Conference ALT'01! I wish you and your colleagues further success in science and related projects. And I highly appreciate that you kept me in the distinguished position of the Program Committee co-chair.”


VITALI KONOV, Vice-director, Natural Science Center, General Physics Institute Moscow, Russia



Ø     "I cannot express enough the gratitude I have for you and your family for making my trip to Romania enjoyable and seamlessly stress free. I met an American couple at the Bucharest Airport who travel in Romania a lot and they thought, and I echo their sentiments, that Romania is a hidden jewel within Europe. I hope to be able to return someday soon. These are not many words, but you should appreciate how much I mean them."


DOUGLAS B. CHRISEY, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., USA



Ø     "My wife and I would like to thank you for an excellent Conference in a beautiful location. I regret, for many reasons, that the Conference took place under the cloud of sorrow and uncertainty created by the terrorist attack on the US. I also want to thank you again for your kind words of condolence. I greatly appreciated your expression of sympathy and understanding."


ALEXANDER GLASS, European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, USA



Ø     "I can finally do probably the most important thing by writing you to thank you for all the efforts you and your wonderful team spent to make our stay in Romania both useful and pleasant. I really enjoyed every aspect of my stay with all the scientific discussions, socializing, excursions, and,of course, wine tasting and swimming. It was also some special pleasure for me to have those several friendly informal conversations with you, which added so much to the warm feeling I have toward this last-week trip to Romania."


ALEKSEI ZHELTIKOV, International Laser Center and Physics Faculty, Moscow State  University, Moscow, Russia



Ø     "I would like to thank you once more for the organization of this nice and interesting ALT’01 Conference. For me it was really the top, from both the scientific and the pleasant point of view. I met a lot of nice people (not only nice romanian girls)"


JORG  HERMANN, Faculté des Sciences de Luminy, Marseille, France



Ø  "Once again, I appreciate your very warm hospitality last week."


RAFAT R. ANSARI, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, USA



Ø     "I wish to thank you for your kind hospitality. My congratulation for the success of the Conference and for the perfect organization."


ALESSIO PERRONE, Universita di Lecce, Dipartimento di Fisica and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, Lecce, Italy



Ø     "I just wanted to thank you again for the excellent Conference organization that Maria and Dan did for ALT'01. I really had a nice time."


DAVID B. GEOHEGAN, Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA



Ø     "Thank you for your hospitality during ALT’01. Congratulations to the programme of conference. I remember with pleasure the nice meeting."


STEFAN LUBY, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia



Ø     "I thank you again for your invitation and for your very kind hospitality. I enjoyed the conference as well as its location."


ANNE DAUSCHER, Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux (LPM), Ecole des Mines de Nancy, Nancy, France



Ø     "Many thanks for the  beautiful days we could spend in Constanta/Mamaia, for your continuous help and efforts to ensure a perfect mixture of a high-level Conference and relaxing days as well."


TAMAS SZORENYI, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary



Ø     "I would like to thank you for very nice conference in Constanta."


JAN LANCOK, Institute of Physica AS CR Na Slovance 2 Prague, Czech Republic



Ø      "Je te renouvelle tous mes remerciements et mes félicitations pour le travail que tu as réalisé pour le succés de la Conférence ALT'01, à Constanta."


ERIC FOGARASSY, Lab. PHASE-CNRS, Strasbourg, France



Ø     "A simple but warm and most friendly message to tell you how much happy we have been, Helene and myself, in Romania. We will never forget and will be back, soon or later. To see how much life is improving, which is my very deep concern downhere. Because it will, I am sure."


LUCIEN D. LAUDE, University of Mons, Mons, Belgium



Ø      "It was my great pleasure to have met you in Bucharest and Constanta and I thank you very much for your kind hospitality."






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